What is ARFID?

Is your child a "picky eater?" They may be what we call a super taster. These kids may be super good at noticing different textures or subtle changes in tastes. They may be really good at noticing flaws in foods. The downside is that this may make them scared of eating foods that are outside of their comfort zone.  Some kids may avoid eating altogether if they don't have access to their "safe" foods. Sometimes there may be fears around eating because something really scary happened, like choking, an allergic reaction, or throwing up. Sometimes these kids may have trouble gaining weight or growing and may even lose weight.  But the good news is that ARFID isn’t a life sentence! With the right support, kids can build a healthy relationship with food.

What Can Parents Do?

 Parents play a crucial role in helping their child overcome ARFID. The most important thing parents can do is offer patience and understanding. Avoid pressuring your child to eat, as this can increase anxiety around food. Instead, create a relaxed, positive environment around meals. Celebrate small victories—if your child tries a new food, no matter how small the bite, recognize it as progress. Working closely with your child’s therapist will also help you learn specific strategies to support them at home. Together, you and your child can embark on a journey toward a healthy, enjoyable relationship with food. 

What Helps?

The good news there are ways to treat ARFID. Often a team approach is best, including psychologists, nutritionists, and sometimes occupational therapists. In therapy, we work to reduce anxiety around food by slowly introducing new tastes and textures in a safe and non-pressured way. Through playful and creative exercises, we help clients feel more confident and curious about food. Therapy also involves understanding any underlying fears and using strategies like mindfulness and relaxation techniques to help kids feel calm during meals. With time, they start to experience food as a source of nourishment and joy rather than stress. 

Feelings and Body Investigation Approach to Eating

The Feelings and Body Investigation is novel treatment created by Dr. Nancy Zucker at Duke University. Designed for young children ages 4-10 years old with selective eating that meets criteria for ARIFD and teaches them to be playful and curious about body sensations and foods to create little detectives that learn to explore food and meals in a different. Call us to see if the FBI Treatment might be right for your child.